free e-guides

informational resources written to enhace your holistic journey



Short and to the point, this grocery shopping guide is a short but impactful manual for how to achieve and maintain better health by shopping more efficiently and intentionally, focusing on being prepared and stocked for whatever meal you’d like to cook. This e-guide is completely free, all you have to do is submit your name and email to subscribe to our email list and receive this free download.


simplified health plan e-guide

This holistic and intuitive health guide is beginner friendly and will lead you to good health and long term weight loss. Whether you have pre-disease, active disease, want to lose weight, or just want to be healthier overall, this plan will lead you to your specific goals and increase your self awareness. This e-guide is completely free, all you have to do is submit your name and email to subscribe to our email list and receive this free download.

E-guide testimonials

  • Intuitive Nutrition health guide

    “My Rheumatologist told me that Taylor’s health plan has reduced the inflammation in my body. Which in turn is allowing me to get off the very expensive drug “Humira” which is $1500 a month. My eating regimen includes: nothing white rice, no white bread, no sugar, no dairy, no red meat, no foods with preservatives, and no fast foods.”

    — Greg D.

  • intuitive nutrition health guide

    "This health guide has completely changed our lives. At the start of the year, we were lethargic, achy, irritable, and swollen. We knew something was not right but it never occurred to us that food was the direct cause. We started this lifestyle change January 2, 2023 and could not believe how good we felt after two weeks!! I must warn you, the sugar detox headaches are NO JOKE but it just goes to show how much sugar we consume daily without realizing it. Initially, we were a tad overwhelmed because we did a complete food overhaul and it felt like "we couldn't eat anything. LIES! We became even more creative in the kitchen and still enjoy our favorite foods made at home with organic/all natural ingredients. We do not restrict ourselves in any way and attempt to have balance in our food journey because it is more sustainable this way. We are more active, energetic and regular than we have ever been. We can tell IMMEDIATELY if something we ate does not agree with us, so we trust and listen to our body to guide us on a healthier path. Thank you IMMENSELY for not only changing our "new year" but more importantly, our lives. P.S. Taylor and that hand written paper is the TRUTH! LOL!

    — Jazmin & Jeremy A.