My name is Taylor, aka Mama Greene. I’m a family taught and self taught home chef in Atlanta, originally from Tennessee. I come from a lineage of good cooks and farmers, creating a love for down home country cooking with FRESH ingredients.
A few years ago I experienced some health issues that left me at a crossroads of medication or a healthy lifestyle switch. I chose the latter. I cleaned up my diet and my health drastically improved, eradicating all symptoms of health issues. The most important diet changes I did was switching to all organic ingredients, starting a garden with my family, raising our own chickens, and shopping at the farmers market as opposed to big box grocery stores. I started truly caring about the quality of food that I put in my body. I started studying our Western food system and its contribution to systematic oppression. Reading labels became my past time as I learned to identify common toxic ingredients.
Society drastically underestimates the health benefits of CLEAN eating. Meaning without all the chemicals, toxins, plastics, and preservatives that corporations pump our food with. True health starts with nutrition. Nutrition is the foundation of wellness. If you feed your body WHOLE foods with WHOLE vitamins and minerals, the need for medical intervention dissolves. Mama Greene’s is where you heal through soulful, whole, and intuitive nutrition. Prioritizing the importance of locally grown and sacredly sourced food.
My mission is to provide the collective with clean and safe food options, reconnect our spirit back to home cooking, and restore health and vitality back to our community.
Everything organic…