our farm to table and intuitive nutrition philosophy
Through a power hungry system who seeks to control and oppress, we have been disconnected from our rights to fresh food. Our food has been made into Big Business and its purpose has been reduced to a means for profit instead of a means for sustenance and healing. God-given food fuels our body through electrically charged vitamins and minerals, making it IMPERATIVE to consume in an appropriate time frame to retain its electric charge.
Shipping food from miles and miles away incurs a longer time that this food is sitting and ultimately rotting before we consume it. Big Business “rectified” this issue by genetically modifying foods and chemically preserving and engineering them to increase the time it can survive during the shipment process as well as its shelf life at major grocery stores. These modified, engineered, and preserved foods cause health issues for virtually everyone in various capacities. Our food is no longer electrically charging our bodies, rather its poisoning them.
In an attempt to heal ourselves, many people have found a solution to some of their health issues by eliminating food groups that tend to be more widely modified, such as meats and dairy. Because of this the health community has moved towards a culture of doctrine: strict rules rooted in judgement of food groups. There is a long list of items you can’t eat EVER and if you do you’re shamed for it. We believe this approach is leaving a lot of our community out of health conversations and collective health progression. Nutritional health and wellness is set at a bar so high that many feel intimidated by the rigid requirements.
Our Farm to Table Philosophy: Food is a blessing given to us on this earth for the purpose of nourishment AND enjoyment! You are allowed to enjoy foods that interest you so long as they’re whole, natural, and freshly harvested. All God given natural foods are available for consumption and we witness this with the many various thriving cultures around the world who have eaten a plethora of foods for ages with no health issues. The difference? These cultures eat local and fresh food. Keeping our food systems local reduces the time needed to get it to its consumer. Therefore retaining its energy and thus properly nourishing the community.
Our Intuitive Nutrition Philosphy: This approach to eating allows your body to communicate its nutritional needs with you. The body is an extremely intelligent entity. It gives us signals called “symptoms” that are either positive or negative. Negative symptoms include rashes, digestive issues, headaches, stress, etc. These are mild ways to know to eliminate something from your diet. There are also positive “symptoms” such as increased energy, clear skin, weight loss, eye whitening, hair growth, etc. These signals tell you that your body is appreciating its diet. Intuitive nutrition simply follows the body’s signals and creates a personal nutritional blueprint for your specific genetics.
These simple and easy to understand philosophies can be applied to any nutritional questions one may have in regards to their health and wellness. You do not have to be a doctor or nutritionist to achieve wellness. Ask yourself these basic questions: where did this food come from and how long did it have to sit before I consume it? (farm to table) and how does this food make my body feel? (intuitive nutrition).
Our goal is that these thought processes transform our communities access to health for generations and generations to come.